IAMD--- Inventors Association of
Metropolitan Detroit
Lawrence Technological University-
21000 W. Ten Mile Rd.
Southfield, MI 48075
248 204-2994
Links to other inventor websites or resources:
SBA - U.S. Small Business Administration
UIA -United Inventors Association
MIC - Michigan inventors coalition
ICMM - Inventors Council of Mid-Michigan
Interesting resource for innovation and branding
of products using social media and possibly for
general interest for entrepreneurs.
Josh Linkner - blog about innovation new
products and business.
Macomb-OU Incubator at Velocity, Sterling heights
Inventors Groups of America (IGA)
Books to read:
Patent It Yourself – Nolo
Stand Alone Inventor – Robert C. Merrick
Will It Sell – James White
Trademark Alert
We often receive questions about how to most easily access frequently used pages and tools on the USPTO website. The best way is the "Quick links" button in the upper right-hand corner of every page.
For example, Trademark customers can use “Quick links” to directly access:
TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System)
TEAS (Trademark Electronic Application System)
TSDR (Trademark Status and Document Retrieval)
TTAB (Trademark Trial and Appeal Board) online systems (ESTTA, TTABVUE)
Search and record assignments
TMEP (Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure)
Trademark ID Manual
TBMP (Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure) *newly added*
Updates and announcements
Fees and payment
System status
Here is a visual preview of where to find "Quick links" at USPTO.gov: